World-renowned expert in cultic studies Dr Janja Lalich has written several books on the topic, but her deepest understanding of cults no doubt stems from her own disturbing experience after she joined the so-called Democratic Workers Party in the...
Listen to the podcast Here Just recently, the Emmy-nominated filmmakers behind Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult released a new three-part documentary series that seeks to expose The Twin Flames Universe, or TFU as a high control organization...
by Tammie Willis, M.A., Org. Com. § Survivor of Fundamentalism Director of Communications, Lalich Center on Cults and Coercion When I watched Shiny Happy People on Amazon Prime this week, I didn’t anticipate how much it would affect me. I found...
Immediately, once it aired, she was viciously attacked and harassed, verbally, in writing, and in public, by loyal Rajneeshis because she spoke of the abuse of the children. This is, in part, what led me to read Lily Dunn’s book. That book validated...
Last night I finished watching the 4-part documentary series, Keep Sweet, Pray and Obey about the Fundamentalist Latter-Day Saints (FLDS) cult, led by pedophile Warren Jeffs. This was an excellently crafted documentary, but so difficult to...