July 26, 2024

Cult Consulting Services

Consulting services & assistance are provided only for the situations listed below. To contact Dr. Lalich, please include details in the form on this page.

Professional Consultations

Dr. Lalich is available for consultations related to cults and other high-control or coercive situations with survivors, families, and professionals. These may be by phone, Zoom, or Skype and are billed by the hour. Dr. Lalich is not a psychotherapist; she is a sociologist and educator and has been working in this field for more than 30 years.

Dr. Lalich does not do interventions.


For journalists, social media outlets, radio, films, documentaries, and others: Dr. Lalich is not currently available for interviews on a variety of subjects, including coercive and high-control situations, cults, ultra-authoritarianism, extremist ideologies, the Troubled Teen Industry, sex trafficking, charismatic and narcissistic leaders, and post-cult aftereffects, trauma, and recovery.

Speaking Engagements

For in-person or virtual appearances, Dr. Lalich is available to present at domestic and international conferences; educational, governmental, health-related, religious, and civic institutions; and clubs and organizations.

Legal Consultations/Expert Witness

Dr. Lalich is an excellent resource for cases involving cult- or multi-level-marketing-related issues, divorce and custody cases, individual and organizational situations of coercive influence/control, fraud, and so on. She has been court-certified in both civil and criminal cases.


Dr. Lalich co-leads psychoeducational learning courses on Zoom for survivors of cults and abusive relationships on topics related to their recovery. These are typically set up as a series but may at times be one session. Courses focus on deepening the participants’ understanding of their experiences from a cult- and trauma-informed perspective. Sessions address relevant and explanatory theories, trauma and the brain, anxiety and panic attacks, triggers, and haunting memories while providing opportunities for participation, plus homework, tools, and skills to enhance recovery. Visit The Lalich Center Website for more information on courses.

Consultation Request

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Dr. Janja Lalich

Janja Lalich, Ph.D. is a researcher, author, and educator specializing in cults and extremist groups, with a particular focus on charismatic relationships, political and other social movements, ideology and social control, and issues of gender and sexuality.